Algae to Diesel technology

Algae occupies vast areas of water bodies. Algae grown in lakes spoils the waters even though algae is an excellent de-pollutant for atmospheric emissions.

Governments spend huge sums of money to clean the water bodies to remove algae. Algae growth in lakes and ponds is cleaned from time to time and allowed to biodegrade over a period of time. Most of the algae is wasted though it is a valuable resource.

SUSTECH Algae to Diesel technology envisages to convert the sustainable biomass into fuels. This process has been developed to combat the dual menace of fuel shortage and the contamination of water bodies by algae.

The importance of the technology is that the water bodies can be used as sustainable sources of fuels for the future. The greenhouse emissions if routed tho the water bodies will increase the growth of algae.The high growth algae can then be used a source for generating fuel for energy.

Algae to Diesel

The current Algae production is estimated to be 15,000,000 tons per year out of which only 10% is utilized for food and medicinal purposes and the rest is not harvested.

This technology will act as a catalyst for the growth of rural economies through algae farms and formulate an industry that can grow algae as a profession.

This becomes a sustainable source of energy for the industry and agriculture and there will be less dependence on fossil fuels making even small countries to achieve scale of economics that will develop underdeveloped societies.

There are technologies being developed world-wide to convert algae into fuels. Most of the technologies have not crossed the concept stage. Some technologies developed are based on the conventional esterification technology which is expensive and realizes low yields. SUSTECH technology is new and far ahead in application due to its uniqueness to accept wet algae of all kinds.

Process Brief Algae

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